Club By-Laws

These are the official by-laws of the Bridgewater Curling Club. Please review the following by-laws for a comprehensive understanding of the rules and regulations that govern the club.

1. Interpretation

  • Society: Bridgewater Curling Club
  • Special Resolution: A resolution passed by not less than three-fourths of members entitled to vote as are present at a General Meeting, with notice of the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution.

2. Membership

There are four (4) categories of membership:

  • Life
  • Active
  • Social
  • Student

The Executive Committee shall have the power to fix the number of members in any category.

  • New Members: Prospective members shall be accepted unless they are in violation of Bylaw 3(b), or have prior disciplinary action. In such cases, the Executive Committee will review the application.
  • Life Members: Elected by a two-thirds open vote of the members present at the Annual General Meeting, based on a proposal by the Executive Committee.
  • Age Requirement: Members must be at least nineteen (19) years old by November 1st of the curling year.
  • Active Members: May hold office and vote at all Annual General Meetings.
  • Social Members: Shall not be eligible to curl in Society competitions or external matches.
  • Student Members: Must be at least nineteen (19) years old, attending school or a post-secondary institution full-time, and a permanent resident of the local area. They pay dues as determined by the Society but may not hold office or vote.
  • Junior Program Affiliates: Non-members affiliated through the Junior Program may be granted privileges at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
  • Temporary Members: Members of another curling club, introduced by a Society member, may be granted privileges upon application and payment of applicable fees.
  • Membership Renewal: Annually with the remittance of dues before league play. Late payments are subject to an administrative fee.
  • Membership Transfer: A member may transfer to a higher category upon payment of appropriate dues. No refund is provided.
  • Termination: Membership ceases if the member no longer qualifies under these bylaws.

3. Dues

  • The curling year begins with the Semi-Annual General Meeting in October. All members must pay their dues in full before league play.
  • Non-payment: Failure to honor payment obligations may result in removal from the Society, with re-entry only upon approval by the Executive Committee.
  • Prorated Dues: Members unable to curl for the full season due to illness or other reasons may request prorated dues.
  • Exemptions: Life Members, the President, Secretary, and Treasurer are exempt from paying dues while holding these positions.

4. Meetings

  • Annual General Meeting: Held during the third week of May. Quorum: 12 members.
  • Semi-Annual General Meeting: Held on the first Thursday of October.
  • Emergency Meetings: May be called by the President or upon request of at least five members in good standing.
  • Notice: At least seven (7) days’ notice for all meetings, given by posting on the premises or via email/regular post.

5. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year ends on April 30th of each year.

6. Complaints Procedure

  • Disciplinary complaints must be made in writing to the Secretary.
  • The member in question will receive a copy of the complaint and at least seven (7) days’ notice of the Executive Committee meeting.
  • The member may appear at the meeting to be heard.
  • The Executive Committee will decide on disciplinary action and notify the member and complainant within seven days.
  • Decisions may be appealed through an Emergency General Meeting.

7. Proxy Voting

Proxy voting is not permitted at any Society meetings.

8. Officers of the Society

The officers include:

  • Past President

  • President

  • 1st Vice President

  • 2nd Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Election: Officers are elected at the Annual General Meeting by majority vote.

  • Officer Composition: Three males and three females where possible, alternating male and female Presidents annually.

  • Duties:

    • The President presides over meetings and casts the deciding vote in case of a tie.
    • The 1st Vice President assumes the President’s duties if needed, and the 2nd Vice President follows if both are vacant.
  • Vacancies: Executive Committee fills vacancies.

  • Removal: Officers may be removed by special resolution. Replacements serve the remaining term.

  • Secretary: Manages the membership register, meeting minutes, and correspondence.

  • Treasurer: Manages financial records, deposits revenues, disburses funds, and provides financial reports.

9. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of six (6) officers and six (6) directors. Two directors are elected annually for two-year terms, including representatives for the Junior Curling Program and Daytime Curlers. Five members constitute a quorum.

  • Duties: Manages the Society’s affairs, policies, and team selections. Appoints committees to carry out the Society’s objectives.

10. Repeal of Bylaws

The Society may repeal or amend bylaws by special resolution. Members receive a written copy of proposed changes at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting. Notice may be given via posting or email/regular post.

11. Audit of Accounts

The Society appoints an auditor annually at the Annual General Meeting. If no auditor is appointed, the Executive Committee will do so.

12. Miscellaneous

  • Rules of Play: Follow the Nova Scotia Curling Association and Canadian Curling Association rules.
  • Records Inspection: Members may inspect the Society’s books and records upon request to the Secretary, with two (2) days’ notice before the Annual General Meeting.
  • Contract Execution: Contracts and documents require signatures from two of the President, Treasurer, or Secretary.
  • Borrowing Powers: May be exercised by special resolution of the members.