Club By-Laws

These are the official by-laws of the Bridgewater Curling Club. Please review the following by-laws for a comprehensive understanding of the rules and regulations that govern the club.

Bridgewater Curling Club Bylaws

1. Interpretation

In these bylaws:

“Society” means Bridgewater Curling Club

“Special Resolution” means a resolution passed by not less than three fourths of such members entitled to vote as are present at a General Meeting of which notice of the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been duly given.

2. Membership

There shall be four (4) categories of membership:

  • Life
  • Active
  • Social
  • Student

and the Executive Committee shall have the power to fix the number of members in any category.

a) Prospective new members shall be accepted unless they are in violation of Bylaw 3(b), or unless previous disciplinary action has been taken against the applicant as a past member. In case of the latter, the application will go before the Executive Committee for approval. The application shall be declared accepted unless there are three or more dissenting votes by the Executive Committee.

b) Life Members shall be elected by an open vote of two thirds of the members present at the annual General Meeting. Potential Life Members must be proposed by the Executive Committee and be published in the notice of the Annual General Meeting for voting on at that time.

c) Subject to Executive Committee discretion, members shall be at least nineteen (19) years of age on November 1st of the curling year and shall be entitled to take part in all curling at the Society premises and in all other matches involving teams representing the Society. Active Members may hold office and vote at all Annual General Meetings of the Society.

d) Subject to Executive Committee discretion, Social Members shall not be eligible to curl in any Society competitions or foreign matches.

e) A student member must be at least nineteen (19) years old on November 1st of the curling year, attending school or a post secondary education institution fulltime. The student member shall pay dues as determined by the Soceity and considered an active curler bur may not hold office or vote at Society meetings. Exceptions will be considered by the Executive Commitee upon written application prior to September 1st of the curling year.

f) Persons who are not members of the Society as defined in Bylaw 2(a) but who are affiliated with the Society through the Junior Program shall be accorded the privileges of the Society at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

g) A member in good standing of another Curling Club, introduced by a member of the Society in good standing, may, upon application, be accorded the privileges of the Society for such time and for such purposes as the Executive Committee may approve and upon payment of any fees as the Executive Committee may, by Policy, determine.

h) Membership will be renewed annually with the the remittance of dues. In September notice will be semt to the previouis year’s Active and Social members to remit dues ro rhe Society prior to the commencement of league play. Any late dues shall be subject to an administrative fee as determined by the Executive Committee.

j) Any member or any category of membership, in good standing, may transfer to a higher category of membership upon payment of appropriate dues. No refund of dues shall be made under this clause.

k) Membership in the Society shall cease if the member no longer qualifies for membership in accordance with these bylaws.

3. Dues

a) The curling year begins with the Semi-Annual General Meeting in October. All members shall pay their dues in full, as defined by the Executive Committee, prior to their beginning any league play.

b) A member whose payment obligation is not honored may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be removed as a member of the Society and shall not be eligible for readmission to the Society at a later time, except with the approval of the Executive Committee and upon payment of all previously unpaid dues and any applicable administrative fees.

c) Any member who is unable to curl for the full season because of illness or other good reason may submit a request to the Executive Committee for pro-rated dues. If such request is granted, the Executive Committee shall determine an appropriate amount of dues for the period during which that member will curl.

d) Life Members, the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Society shall be exempt from the payment of annual dues while holding such designation or office.

4. Meetings

a) The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held during the third week of April. Twelve (12) members shall form a quorum of this or any general meeting of the Society.

b) The Semi-Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held on the first Thursday of October.

c) Emergency General Meetings may be called at any time by the order of the President. The President shall call an Emergency Meeting upon receipt of a written request signed by at least five members of the Society who are in good standing.

d) At least seven (7) days’ notice shall be given of all Society meetings. Notice may be given by posting such on the Society premises or by sending such notice by email or regular post.

5. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Society shall end on April 30th of each year.

6. Complaints Procedure

Any disciplinary complaint against a member of the Society shall be made in writing to the Secretary who shall provide the member with a copy of the complaint and at least seven (7) days’ notice of the date, time and place of the meeting of the Executive Committee at which the complaint will be heard.

The member shall have the right to appear as such Executive Committee meeting and to be heard.

The Executive Committee will decide if any disciplinary action is required and inform the member and the complainant of its decision, in writing, within seven days.

The decision of the Executive Committee is subject to appeal through the Emergency General Meeting process.

7. Proxy Voting

There shall be no proxy voting at any meetings of the Society.

8. Officers of the Society

a) The officers shall consist of Past President, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

b) The officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Society by a majority of votes. Should more than one ballot be necessary for the election of any officer, the name receiving the least number of votes shall be removed from the list of candidates before the next ballot is taken. The retiring officers shall remain in office until the business of the meeting is transacted.

c) The president shall preside over all meetings of the Socierty and Executive Committee.

d) The President shall preside over all meetings of the Society and the Executive Committee.

e) The Vice President shall perform the duties of President in his or her absence. Should the office of President become vacant, the Vice President shall immediately assume the office of President for the remainder of the current year.

f) In the event that any or all of the offices of President, and Vice Presidenr become vacant, the vacancies shall, subject to the provisions of this Bylaw, be filled by the Executive Committee. All othwe vacanr offices shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee.

g) Should vacancies occur in the office of the President and the 1st Vice President, the 2nd Vice President shall assume the office of the President. In the event that any or all of the offices of President, 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President become vacant, the vacancies shall, subject to the provisions in this Bylaw, be filled by the Executive Committee. All other vacant offices shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee.

h) Subject to Bylaw 3(d) of these Bylaws, there shall be no remuneration for officers and directors of the Society.

i) The Society may, by special resolution, remove any officer or director before the expiration date of the period of office. The replacement officer or director shall then hold office during such time only as the officer or director who was removed would have held office if he or she had not been removed.

j) The Secretary of the Society shall be responsible for:

  • maintaining a register of members of the Society
  • recording proceedings of all Society and Executive Committee meetings
  • all correspondence of the Society
  • at the discretion of the President, carrying out all other duties pertaining to the position of Secretary that the President may request

k) The Treasurer of the Society shall be responsible for:

  • maintaining accurate and up to date financial records of the Society
  • collecting and depositing all revenues of the Society
  • making all disbursements on behalf of the Society
  • submitting a statement of account to the Society at all general meetings and at such other times as requested

9. Executive Committee

a) The regular business of the Society shall be conducted by the Executive Committee and shall consist of five (5) officers and six(6) directors of the Society. Two members of the Society, in good standing, shall be elected in each year for a term of two(2) years as directors. The Junior Curling Program and Daytime Curlers shall each propose their own representative for election as Directors each uear. Five member of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorom at meetings of the Executive Committee.

b) The Executive Committee shall have the general direction of the affairs of the Society and shall make all policies for the use of the ice and the Society assets by members and others. The Executive Committee shall have control of the process of team selection to represent the Society. At its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting the Executive Committee shall appoint the chairperson and members of its various standing Committees and shall have the power to create such Committees as it deems advisable in order to carry out the aims, objectives and undertakings of the Society. The specific duties of all standing Committees shall be defined by the Executive Committee.

10. Repeal of Bylaws

The Society has the power to repeal or amend any of these bylaws by a special resolution in the manner prescribed by the Societies Act. A written copy of the proposed repealed bylaws or amendments, together with a notice of the special resolution, shall be provided to the members of the Society at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting at which the special resolution is to be considered. Such notice may be given by posting such on the Society premises and by sending such to the members by email or regular post.

11. Audit of Accounts

The Auditor of the Society shall be appointed annually by the members of the Society at the Annual General Meeting. If the members do not appoint an auditor the Executive Committee shall do so at its first meeting following the Annual General Meeting.

12. Miscellaneous

a) The rules of play at the Society shall be the same as those adopted by the Nova Scotia Curling Association and the Canadian Curling Association.

b) The books and records of the Society may be inspected by any member in good standing at a reasonable time and with reasonable notice to the Secretary, within two (2) days prior to the Annual General Meeting at the registered office of the Society.

c) Contracts, deeds, bills of exchange and other instruments and documents may be executed on behalf of the Society by any two (2) of the President, Treasurer or Secretary.

d) The borrowing powers of the Society may be exercised by special resolutions of the members.